A Path to Living Well
Visit InsideOut to nurture your divine spirit & enhance your bodies ability to heal itself.
Free Your Mind, Body, Soul & Spirit
Brandi is a Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Healer & Master, specializing in Earth & Energy Medicine. Brandi is able to use her Basic Foundations of Naturopathy in assisting others to heal themselves, while she continues to complete her schooling & grow her practise. Reiki, Reiki Massage, Holistic massage, Crystal facials, Chakra Cleanses & EFT tapping are just a few to name that are highly recommended naturotherapies at InsideOut. We are a holistic healing center in Osoyoos, BC. Using our extensive understanding of the mind, body, soul & spiritual connections to heal and empower your body. Giving you added physical, mental & emotional strength and bringing your bodies energies back into balance. This is a path of self discovery and growth. We value each and every person as a whole, who joins our Healing Center and we look forward to helping you achieve your wellness goals.

Have a question about one of our therapies or would like to know more? Please reach out. We are always happy to help.
#107, 8315 Main St, Osoyoos, BC, Canada (Located inside the same building as Heaven on Earth)

Come Visit Us
Mon- Friday 10pm – 5pm
* Later evenings by request
Saturday and Sunday - By appt